Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Love CACs (part 2)

By Devon Buckles, Spirit Corps Captain

At my first con there was a CAC, I didn’t know then what that meant, no one seemed to be saying anything except that it was a BAD thing. I remember Tandi stepping up in front of the con and telling us that she loved CAC’s, and thinking she was crazy. I now know what a CAC, or Conference Affairs Committee does/is and I agree with her. The CAC process is not one of horrible happenings, but rather of healing. Having now sat on a CAC as the youth YES team representative, I now understand the function of, and the reason we have CAC’s. The CAC is not designed to be a judicial system, but rather an extension of our CON Community. It is because we have the CAC system set up that we can have the amazing cons that we have. During the CAC itself the statement was made ‘this is the true CON Community, all the outside stuff is setup for this’. While this is a somewhat dull way to look at the community, it’s true. Our CAC process is the highest form of our community, yes it is how we deal with rule violations, but the process is that of holding our community accountable, of how our community deals with problems when they come up. I may have thought she was crazy at the time, but now I definitely agree with Tandi, I love the CAC process too.

This article is from CONtext

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