Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First-time at Con

By Lynn Shanks, Atkinson Memorial Sponsor

This was the first con that I and the 3 youth from Atkinson Memorial have attended. There was some nervousness in the car as we pulled into the parking lot, that is until they were greeted by some friends they had met on Facebook. We were escorted through the check in process and then they disappeared to get immersed in fun. I saw them several times that evening laughing with other youth they had met and asking for the keys to the car to get some snacks out.

The worship services both evenings were amazing. To see so many people standing in the darkness, faces glowing in candlelight and singing. The equally amazing sight was to see the youth spontaneously gather around the chalice after the service on Friday night to continue singing. To see their young faces, reflecting in the candlelight, was uplifting.

The small touch groups were inspiring, to see the youth lead these gatherings and to hear what the youth had to say when they reflected on our UU principles was enjoyable. Also enjoyable was the No-Talent show. It was a great time to see what talents these youth have and to hear some great budding poets.

I hope that the youth in our congregation will pass on their great experience, so that more of our youth will want to attend a con in the future

Ed. note: these articles are from ConText, the newsletter published after every Con.

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