Saturday, October 30, 2010

Con Evaluation: IndividUUality

For the first time at this Con, we had some evaluation of the event by the overall attendees.  How did Con go overall? 

 Overall Evaluation:
5 ratings (super happy face) :  67%
4 (slightly happy face) :          28%
3 (neutral face) :                     5%
2 (slightly unhappy face) :        1%
1 (very unhappy face) :            0%

Favorite parts of Con:
No-talent show:                    79%
Touch groups:                       67%
Workshops:                          51%
Worship:                              50%
Main workshop:                     44%
Spirit Corps:                         21%

What would you change?
The top answer was "the rain," which unfortunately we can't help you with.

Top answers:
Vary music at the dance
Make con longer
Longer worships
More supplies for henna/hair dye
More free time
After-worship campfire time
Newbie orientation
Inclusive first-night games
Better privacy
More theme-related workshops

How would you make Con more inclusive?
Most of these answers focused on Friday night and helping new attendees feel part of the community more quickly; second was the ability to have solo time or more personal space.

  • Friday night games / mixers
  • Have older / more experience con-goers reach out to newcomers better (newcomers can feel it's hard to approach others who clearly know each other well)
  • Mix-up people at meals
  • Con buddies
  • Get "lei'd" at registration so you know right away who new people are
  • Have 1st touch group before orientation, so you've got some people to sit with / talk to right away
  • Pre-Con information: have a video, explain more about what happens
  • Area for quiet people or smaller "coffee house" type talent show
  • More active games (e.g. capture the flag, ultimate frisbee - the rain made this hard)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

YRUU Update From Tacoma and Fall Con 2010

This year my youth group has chosen to have a curriculum (The Wholeness Curriculum). It has been going surprisingly well. Everyone in my youth group, with the exception of one brand new person, i have grown up with and im seeing sides of them I probably would have never seen, in a good way. Also, as i write this it is four days after Fall Con 2010 and I can not describe or express how amazing Con is. It means so much to me to have it, the oppurtunity to sneak away from reality for a little while. I truly dont know what id do without it. I just wish more people from my congergation would go, oh well, hopefully that will change. So yeah, everything is going good in "T-Town" (Tacoma) YRUU!!!

Seriah Mehegan
Tacoma UUC