Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just the Beginning

A few years ago my life could not be called religious or spiritual. I didn’t really get what it meant to be a part of a Unitarian Universalist Congregation or know what it could offer me until I attended my first high school Con the summer of 2008 in Sequim, Washington.
I had registered with the intention that a friend from my youth group would be coming as well, but by the time I found out she wasn’t coming, it was too late to back out. It took a lot of support from my parents and will power and bravery on my end to venture out of my safety bubble that weekend. I can still remember how nervous and worried I was as my parents dropped me off at the campground. I owe Caleb Raible-Clark, aka “The Food Dude” that summer, at least a nod of appreciation for being the first of many to welcome me to that Con and into that family. He, along with many other youth and sponsors, motivated me to stick out the weekend and to continue with the youth Con experience for the next four years.
Since that particular con, I have witnessed a change in the Con community; the leadership that all the youth, bridged and present attendees, have initiated within themselves to keep this amazing family alive, thriving and prospering; the never-ending encouragement and love from one another for the opportunity to search for our own individuality within an already unique community; the attitude from the sponsors who have become real peers and mentors to us through the willingness to work with us on a level of teamwork and of course, the outside community of friends, family and congregations who support and encourage the in-coming and out-going youth of this program.
Being apart of this family has forever changed my life, changed how I look at myself, how I want to contribute to the world and how I want to influence others, UU or not. I will forever hold the friends (more like family) I have made in my heart for many times to come. You guys will help me go far in life and I hope my contribution to Con will lend a hand for the never-ending improvement of the Con community.

Written By: Alex Bain, Shoreline UU Church